Interactive Map and Navigation

Increase Foot Traffic by 10% with an Indoor Mapping Experience

In a massive retail property with hundreds of stores, how do you simplify the shopping journey and encourage exploration? Traditional maps and signage often confuse customers, hurting the bottom line. You need an intuitive navigation solution to maximize time spent in-center.

The Indoor Navigation Challenge

Paper maps quickly become outdated and lack interactivity. Customers waste time searching for destinations instead of shopping. Without real-time wayfinding, it’s easy to get lost or frustrated. You’re missing opportunities to cross-sell and increase average spend per visit.

Scart's Interactive Indoor Mapping

Scart’s high-definition indoor maps integrate real-time location services to always show the shopper’s current position. Interactive directories, search, and route planning get customers where they need to go with just a few taps. Dynamic notifications promote nearby offers and events.

Increase Foot Traffic by 10%

Scart’s intuitive navigation streamlines the shopping experience, boosting traffic and cross-shopping potential by 10% or more. Empower customers to easily:

  • Browse the entire property and discover new destinations

  • Find stores and plan optimized routes

  • Access services like parking, dining, and customer support