Customer Retention And Engagement

Increase Repeat Visits by 50% with Targeted Loyalty Programs

In today’s always-on digital world, customers have more choices than ever before. How do you get them to choose your mall for repeat visits instead of the competition down the street? Winning their long-term loyalty takes more than just rewards – it takes truly understanding individual needs.

The Loyalty Challenge

Traditional loyalty programs collect basic data like purchases and visits. But they lack the insights to deliver personalized, memorable experiences. Customers want recognition for who they are, not just their spending habits. Without a holistic view of each shopper, it’s impossible to forge that emotional connection.

Scart's Customer Retention Solution

Scart’s personalized loyalty programs drive a 50% increase in repeat visits on average. Customers feel recognized for who they are and what they value. Memorable experiences foster an emotional attachment, increasing average spend and lifetime value. Boost your retention rates today with Scart!

Increase Repeat Visits by 50%

Scart gathers anonymous location data and purchase histories to create rich customer profiles. We analyze foot traffic patterns and behaviors to understand individual interests down to the store level. With these actionable insights, our platform empowers malls to:

  • Target the right offers to the right customers at the right time

  • Nurture customer relationships with 1:1 communications

  • Reward loyalty based on individual shopping habits